ENTRE is the world’s #1 combined personal & professional development community. We have helped thousands of students start down the path of designing their own life. ENTREs unique "Life Design" process is the world’s most practical personal development program that also deals with your professional/financial life and helps you increase your income if needed to fund the life of your design.
The Life Design process consists of:
1. Establish Your Personal Foundations - Getting clear on your values & non-negotiables before you start designing your life.
2. Install The Life Operating System - The ENTRE Life OS helps you organize and systematize your life and is proven to help you become more productive, effective, and fulfilled.
3. Constant Growth - Once the Life OS is installed, its time to start leveling up across all 3 of lifes dimensions - Physical, Personal, & Professional ("the 3 Ps"). Using our guided “90 Day Circuits”, you identify gaps in each of the 3 Ps, then use our "Wheel of Growth" to make and execute plans to close the gaps.
4. Discover And Integrate Your Purpose - The last and most important step in designing your life is to make sure it will actually give you what you really want - feelings of fulfillment & joy that come from discovering and living your purpose. Our data-driven process helps you find the clues to your purpose embedded in your life and point your life toward something greater.
The app includes:
- A Masterclass and Challenge to kick off your Life Design journey
- Knowledge & Skills libraries in all "3 Ps" - Physical, Personal, & Professional
- A Financial Freedom track including specialized courses on entrepreneurship
- A marketplace of “Income Vehicles” - curated opportunities to help you earn more income
- The “Entrepreneur DNA” assessment that personalizes your Income Vehicle recommendation(s)
- Expand your personal and professional network
- Guided “90 Day Circuits” with hands on support to help you completely redesign your life
- Virtual and live events
- Weekly Live Trainings
- Much more!